Denise Voloshin


Location: Greensburg, PA

Connection to Four Diamonds: Mr. Charles Millard has referred to me as the “First Four Diamonds Child”.

Why is the partnership between Four Diamonds and THON important? My family grew up with the Millard family in Elizabethtown, PA. We attended church together, Mr. Millard was my high school chorus instructor, my sister took ballet lessons from Mrs. Millard and our parents were friends with one another. It was devastating and heartbreaking when Chris passed away, and I remember reading his essay and being blown away with his literary masterpiece at such a young age – the creative ideas, vocabulary and sentence structure…impressive.

What is your dream for Four Diamonds and THON over the next 40 years?
The impact that Four Diamonds has on numerous families is immeasurable – from a monetary stance to emotional support to peace-of-mind that a family is at the right place with outstanding medical care and advancement. The THON community has elevated this drive to the next level. The young adults culminate their year-long efforts in a fun-filled extravagant weekend and tirelessly “dance” away. This fundraising is awe-inspiring and connects would-be strangers to children and their families in ways that may never be adequately expressed, but certainly shapes the moral compass of these young adults in lessons of humanity in helping and serving others.